Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Evil step-family (and some miscellanea)

Back again! Here are Dame Olga, Hattie, and Olive, as well as a few mini-sketches of (gasp) actual scenes from the book! It's possible I do big-kid-size versions of one or more of these thumbnails... No promises, though. ;)

ella enchanted fan art
Dame Olga, Hattie, and Olive: Ella's evil step-family. Ooooh, they're mean. Dame Olga strongly reminds me of Dolores Umbridge... The bow seemed appropriate. :)

ella enchanted fan art
Writing a letter to Char.

ella enchanted fan art
Scrubbing the floor in her own house, while Dame Olga looks on.

ella enchanted fan art
This is Nancy, the serving maid. "She crept behind Mum Olga and pantomimed dumping a pail of water over her head." (pg. 169)

Next time, I have members of Ella's house's staff: Nancy, Nathan, and the beloved Mandy!


  1. Ohhhhhh, man, the first time I saw that sketch of Nancy I thought you said the fat one was Nancy.

    Wait... Who's her Fairy Godmother? Nancy? Or something with an M?

  2. Mandy! She's not here yet, but I have a picture of her that I like. You'll probably recognize it. These are all still old. :)

  3. They are awesome. I like how some of the drawings have that sketchbook feel with all the frames outlined.

  4. But you should make the pictures links so we can click on them and get a full size image instead of having to look at a small one!

  5. The full-size images are like four times the actual actual size. Also the thumbnails look very weird close up... But I can probably do that. Anything for my adoring fans! :D

  6. I love "Writing a letter to Char". I mean, I know it's just a sketch, but it's well done anyway.
