Sunday, July 24, 2011


Just one, today. Perhaps I will update later with a Dame Olga. This is an old picture of Char, and I clearly haven't figured out his hair yet, but this is the best that I currently have. Once I get the front of his hair to cooperate, I'll post a new one.

ella enchanted
I seem to do a lot of blank expressions and boring body positions. Soon, I hope to have some actual scenes from the book. That would be swell.

P.S. I updated my first "Ella" post (from October). It's just a small change: the full-body pic was a little leany-backy, so I straightened her out. :)


  1. His eyes are SUPER WIDE. Like "HI I AM SO HAPPY TO MEET YOU" wide.

    I like it.

  2. Hehe yeah... Next one will be better. :P

  3. I think the blank expression in this case might be solved by having part of his iris touching the edge of his eyelids. Even though cartoon people have big eyes the whites of their eyes are rarely surrounding the eye completely.

    And I really like his hair! It looks adorably tousled. =)

  4. I aaallllmost like his hair. The one clump in the middle of his forehead looks awkward and flat to me... I need to Google-images curly hair and try to figure out how to draw it. And I know what you mean about the eyes, but I think it just makes him look excited... or like really intense. Not that that's necessarily what I was going for. :)
