Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Evil step-family (and some miscellanea)

Back again! Here are Dame Olga, Hattie, and Olive, as well as a few mini-sketches of (gasp) actual scenes from the book! It's possible I do big-kid-size versions of one or more of these thumbnails... No promises, though. ;)

ella enchanted fan art
Dame Olga, Hattie, and Olive: Ella's evil step-family. Ooooh, they're mean. Dame Olga strongly reminds me of Dolores Umbridge... The bow seemed appropriate. :)

ella enchanted fan art
Writing a letter to Char.

ella enchanted fan art
Scrubbing the floor in her own house, while Dame Olga looks on.

ella enchanted fan art
This is Nancy, the serving maid. "She crept behind Mum Olga and pantomimed dumping a pail of water over her head." (pg. 169)

Next time, I have members of Ella's house's staff: Nancy, Nathan, and the beloved Mandy!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Just one, today. Perhaps I will update later with a Dame Olga. This is an old picture of Char, and I clearly haven't figured out his hair yet, but this is the best that I currently have. Once I get the front of his hair to cooperate, I'll post a new one.

ella enchanted
I seem to do a lot of blank expressions and boring body positions. Soon, I hope to have some actual scenes from the book. That would be swell.

P.S. I updated my first "Ella" post (from October). It's just a small change: the full-body pic was a little leany-backy, so I straightened her out. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Not Ella...

...but still fun!

I doodled these (relatively) quickly when no plain white paper was present. The first one came out pretty well, so I left it on lined paper rather than screw with it on the computer. The second one was really rough, so I did trace that in Corel... and since I got that far, I went ahead and colored it, too. :D

ella enchanted
This is the kind of lady I would like to see more of in popular fiction. Like for reals.

ella enchanted
Gunslingers can be ladies, too!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ella and Char

So, just as I got this blog started, my scanner decided to go haywire and start running this huge black line through all my images. I finally got a new scanner, so I can start updating! I have lots of pics to show you!

These were both done hastily on scraps of paper (as opposed to in my sketchbook), so they're not as clean as some of my other drawings.

ella enchanted
At the very end of the book, when Char brings around the slipper, Ella doesn't want to be recognized.  "Straining for a new disguise of servant and simpleton, I sucked on my fist and stared about vacantly." (pg. 222)

ella enchanted

I have some more sketches of Char, next, and after that, I have Dame Olga and some of the servants.  Stay tuned!