Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ella runs away

I felt bad about copping out last night with a pseudo-made-up character, so I fixed the drawing I promised and am posting it tonight! Aren't you lucky ducks! It turns out that Photoshop is really good at things like resizing abnormally largely drawn heads, so it wasn't as much of a pain as I thought it would be.

I'm a total noob. Sorry.

So this is Ella just before running away from finishing school. On her way out, she sneaks into Hattie's room and steals her wig.

(Of course I couldn't be bothered to look up the chapter before I drew this. Ella actually snatches the thing right off Hattie's sleeping head, which makes more sense and is much funnier. Oh well.)

I may go back and shade this… If I do, I'll probably attempt to draw the rest of the room. Don't hold your breath on that one. xP

ella enchanted
Doesn't make sense that Hattie would keep her wig on a wig form, since she shares her room with other girls who don't know her hair is fake, but I like how this turned out, anyway.

ella enchanted
"Now, what to do with it? If I threw it into the dying fire, the smell might wake someone. I could drape it over the head of the china cat that adorned the mantelpiece, but if Hattie woke early, she could rescue it before anyone saw. So I took it with me, a trophy." (pg. 87)

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