Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ella 2.0

It's been too long since my last Ella drawing. By way of apology, I put extra work into this entry! You get the line drawing plus color. I even tried my hand at shading. Cool, right?

Ella picks out a green dress after her mother's funeral because her mother hated black. This is what it might have looked like. (I need to study medieval/Ella-period fashions; I apparently don't have much of an imagination for gown design.) I really like this Ella, although it's weirdly disproportionate in some places. Also, one day, I will learn how to draw hands that don't look crippled. One day.

ella enchanted
Ella's post-funeral garb. I don't know if bare arms would have happened. I was tangentially inspired by Belle's yellow dress in Beauty and the Beast, maybe?

ella enchanted
"Although I suspected Father wanted me to wear another mourning gown, I put on the frock Mother liked best. She said the spicy green brought out my eyes. I thought I looked like a grasshopper in it—a skinny, spiky grasshopper with a human head and straight hair." (pg. 17)

My pledge for next time is to attempt an actual scene: action, emotion, maybe even multiple characters...? You'll just have to wait and see!